Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

In order to meet the goals of my GAME plan, I need to make sure that I have found all of the resources I will need and I need to make modifications to my plan as needed after thinking about what has went well or has not.

For my goal of facilitating and inspiring learning and creativity, I have realized this week that technology can be used for assessing, while still giving students a chance to use creativity and continue to be motivated in the classroom. I have been talking with my co-workers to try to create some project-based assessments that students can complete to show understanding of the subjects that we cover, while also giving students a chance to complete their project using technology and creativity. We are hoping to create some projects for math and are in the beginning stages of the planning. I have not gotten enough time to do many searches yet, but I also plan to do some more searching on inspiring creativity in the classroom and will hopefully be able to share some websites soon.

Modeling digital age learning and work was the second focus of my plan. In order to be able to teach my students about the technology programs that I would like to incorporate into my classroom, I need to learn more about them first. I have started with blogs and I have become an expert in them by completing the blog for our master’s courses and by creating a classroom blog for parents to see. My next step is to begin teaching my students about the blog and having them add weekly posts for parents to see about our weeks of school. One question that I do have is what are some important things that I need to make sure to share with my students about blogs? Is there anyone who has started to incorporate blogs with their students and realized something important that you had not mentioned to your students? I realize that even when I try to learn something new, things can still happen and I would appreciate any tips that anyone may have about using blogs with their students.

I feel that my progress on my GAME plan has gone well so far. I will continue to reflect on the steps I have taken to make sure that I am meeting my goals.


  1. Collaborating with your team and creating common assessments is the way to go. Not only does it help to take the load off the individual teacher but it also allows the team to determine what the students need. Sharing the experience of many is much better then just relying on only one individual idea.

  2. Good for you for collaborating with your fellow teachers! I think a classroom blog for students to use and parents to see is a fabulous idea. Getting parents on board and excited is a key idea!

  3. Linda and Denise,

    Thanks for your comments. I am very lucky to have colleagues that are willing to work with me to better the students in our grade level. I know that not all teachers are that lucky. I agree that working with my fellow teachers helps me to feel less pressure and takes away time I would normally spend working on everything myself.

