Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My GAME Plan

I had the opportunity to take a look at the International Society for Technology in Education standards and performance indicators. As I read through them, I noticed that I am more comfortable with some of the standards compared to others. I have made two goals for myself relating to two of the standards.

The first standard that I feel I could use more work with would be Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. My goal for this standard is to create lessons that inspire creativity, problem solving, and collaboration. I want to create lessons that will motivate my students and I will incorporate different technology tools to help me achieve this goal. I will first need to look at my lessons that I teach right now. I will need to ask myself how I can best incorporate technology into my lessons to increase student learning and creativity. Then, once I have planned out my lessons, I will use them in my classroom. For the monitor section of my GAME plan, I will need to observe my students. I will check for their understanding of the topic and will need to observe to see whether or not there was higher student motivation and creativity during each lesson. My observations will help me to plan for future lessons. Finally, to evaluate my teaching and student learning, I will need to think about my lessons and what went well. I also need to think about whether my goal was achieved and if not, think about ways that I could change for the next year. To extend my learning, I will continue to learn about new technology and continue to read professionally in order to find strategies and tools that will benefit my students.

A second indicator that I feel I can strengthen my confidence in is Model Digital Age Work and Learning. Before starting my masters in technology, I did not use much technology in my classroom. This is why I picked this as a goal. I hope to learn, practice using, become an expert in, and use new pieces of technology each year. In order to achieve this goal, I am going to take the learning from these classes and incorporate my learning into my lessons. Before having my students use them, I will make sure to practice using them and become an expert so that I am ready for my students to use them. To monitor my progress, I will reflect on my teaching throughout the year. I will think about which pieces of technology I used and how they worked. I will also think about how I can incorporate technology through the rest of the year. If I notice difficulty from the students, I will think about how I can change and improve my modeling and teaching of the technology tools. Finally, to evaluate at the end of the year, I will think about what pieces of technology I used and which ones I would like to incorporate for the next year. I will also need to reflect on my teaching and think about how I could improve the modeling and facilitation of these tools in my classroom. To extend my learning, I will also stay up to date on new technology and try to use the resources and coworkers around me to keep learning.

By thinking about these standards for teachers, my students will only benefit. My students will be motivated, will have a chance to be more creative in their learning and will in turn show more understanding of the topics covered.


  1. Elizabeth,
    I like your idea of keeping up to date on new technology. I also chose Walden and this Master's program to learn more about technology and how it could be used in the classroom. One of my GAME Plans is to Model Digital Age Work and Learning. I have found that just because I have used a particular type of technology in my Walden class does not mean it translates into my third grade classroom as easily. Each month I try to add a piece to an existing lesson and hopefully I will get comfortable enough with the modeling that I will start having students use it as well.

    How has your integration of technology in your classroom gone so far?


  2. Mrs. Rogus,
    I feel that you have a good foundation in what you want to do with your GAME plan. I really like your second standard idea about technology. You had stated that it is important to learn the technology first than having your students try it out. Sometime I forget to do this because I am so excited to try it out with my class. If I stumble I can cover it up with my kindergarten students. I do not know if your can do that with upper class students because they will catch you mess up. Great thought.

  3. Your 2nd goal is such a great goal! Way to go setting yourself up to be a life long learner. Your students will benefit from your new knowledge and you will probably be surprised at what you will learn from them as you share. Hopefully, you will inspire those around you, fellow teachers and students, to learn more about technology as they see you grow in this area!

  4. Thanks for your thoughts everyone. I think that it is so important to learn about new technology continuously and also make sure to become an expert in it before sharing it with my students.

    Denise - I hope that I am inspiring other teachers and students. I definately try to share new tools with my co-workers whenever possible. I think it is so important to share learning, so that all of the students can benefit from the use of technology.

    James - You are right in that my students catch when I am unsure of something, and sometimes they know how to do things when I am not sure. I always try to be extra prepared when I am getting ready to share a new piece of technology.

    Debbie - I think my technology integration is going well so far. I am definitely integrating many more pieces of technology that I would not have even known about if it was not for this masters program. I think my students really enjoy it as well. How is your technology integration going?

  5. Mrs. Rogus,

    I think becoming an expert in the technology tool before you use it with your kids is important. However, I also think it is important for your students to see you learning in a similar way that they are learning. So I would encourage you to share your experience learning how to use to use the technology tools as you are teaching them how to use it. Have you thought about what technology tools you want to use first?


  6. Elizabeth,

    I have been taking baby steps to incorporate the technology in my classroom. Each project I do for Walden has gone with an existing story from the reader or social studies unit. My students have been excited about each kind of technology I have shown them.

