Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Evaluating my GAME Plan

I have been working to follow through with my goals in my game plan. Creating this game plan helped me to focus on integrating technology into my classroom in a way that will benefit all of my students.

My first goal was to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. To meet this goal, I have been completing some searches online to try and find some student projects that the students could create which give them the opportunity to think creatively and to create excitement in my students. I have also been working with my second grade team to come up with math assessments that do the same. We have completed assessments for a few units. I have learned that students show more knowledge when they are able to think creatively and put more effort into their work. Creating problem-based learning activities will help me to continue to meet the needs of my students. I need to continue to always look for new ways that I can teach topics to my students.

My second goal dealt with modeling digital work and learning. As I continue to work to meet this goal, I will need to reflect on the technology tools that I have learned about and used in my classroom. If there is a new piece of technology which I feel will benefit my students, I will also need to learn more about it so that I can become an expert before teaching my students. Also, as I thought about what my students know about the computer, I realized that some are not familiar with some of the basic tools that they need to use to create digital work. For example, saving a file and shutting down the computer are two things that we only sometimes do and are things that I believe my students need to know how to do in order to use the computer for problem-based learning projects. I realized that I need to spend more time with the basics before I jump into the different programs. I believe that these things are an essential first step of completing digital work and need to be learned.


  1. Elizabeth,

    Teaching the basics is essential because many students do not have access to computers at home. In one of our past classes we took a simple survey to find out where we were as teachers regarding technology. I believe there was a similar survey for your students. I find that if I can have two or three "experts" help me assist students everything flows faster and easier. Also, students have their own way of explaining to other students that is simplified.


  2. Time is ALWAYS an issue for teachers. Good for you using some of it (your time) to learn and grow!

  3. Debbie,

    I agree that having student experts can be helpful. It is great to have what is like 2 extra teachers!


    I feel that in order to be the best teacher you can be, you need to continue to learn all that you can to find the best ways to teach your students. I feel that all of us in this masters program are taking some of our time in order to learn and grow which will benefit our students.
