Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

I think that using the GAME plan in my classroom will help my students to understand and show proficiency in the NETS Student technology standards.

To introduce the GAME plan and standards, I would like to go over each standard individually and discuss what they each mean. Then, I would like to show them an example of a GAME plan that I have for myself. By modeling the steps, hopefully the students will see the importance of each step and why they are necessary.

Finally, before starting different projects, I will have my students set goals for themselves related to the NETS-S standards. I will have the students think about what they hope to gain from the project. As we complete the different technology activities, we will work together as a class to practice the steps of monitoring and evaluating. We will also discuss what happens when we monitor and realize that we are not meeting our goal, or something needs to be changed.

When students are older, they will need to set goals for themselves while also reflecting and evaluating as they go along. I believe that by using the GAME plan with my students, they will be able to begin to practice this skill. At time same time, students will be gaining new knowledge of technology based on what is important to them.


  1. Using the GAME Plan approach has really helped me develop better lesson plans. This is true because I have the steps to refer back to;it keeps me focused on the intended lesson goals. I think your plan to introduce the Game plan as a tool to meeting the NET-S standards will work well for your students because you are giving them great information to build on. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. I think your way of introducing the GAME plan process to your students is really good. I also really like the fact that the students will have to self reflect and think about what goals they want to gain. Great job!

  3. Isn't it good to know we are teaching our students skills they will take with them and use their entire life! Great job!

  4. Kelly,
    You are right. I also feel like I am more organized and focused on the goals that I have in my lessons and units.

    Julie and Denise,
    I think that it is really important to teach my students to reflect and they need practice in that. It is something they will use forever in future schooling and jobs. It is definitely a life skill. I think skills like these are so important!


  5. I think that it is a great idea to model the plan for your students. I think that the GAME Plan is a great tool to keep focused and on task, but like all good tools, students will need a lot of practice first. They may not get it right away, but once they do I think that it will be very effective for all students.
